ellen & daran in NZ

Monday, January 02, 2006

The Hunt for Agent New Zealand

In 2003 a secret agent began his reconnaisance mission in New Zealand. His secret location was behind a bench observing the haruru falls north of the Bay of Islands. Over two years later we were given a map of his whereabouts so we could pick him up and find out what he had learnt...

...(this post may not make sense if you are not yourself a secret agent - so feel free to ignore)

Lovely views - obviously a lot of secret and important things to be observed here...

We set off following the detailed map...


View from the observation deck...

Armed with a trusty stick we began the search....

These are just some snapshots of the extensive 45 minute search we made through mud and spider webs...


However, the bench (the only bench around for miles - it was the right one!) did not match the description on the map, it was missing a length. We did not think the map drawer would have got it wrong as she had trained for many years in the art of map drawing...

We could only conclude that the secret agent had been found out and had had to effect a dramatic escape from the scene, involving the explosion of the part of the bench where he had been hiding. You can see badly disguised explosion marks here to the left...

...We can only hope that one day he will be able to come out of hiding and give us his secret observations...